[牙齒小知識 Oral knowledge]
如何使用牙線? How to use floss?

如何使用牙線? How to use floss?

如何使用牙線? How to use floss?

1. 先取出約20-25厘米長的牙線,打結形成一個圈。用雙手的拇指和食指控制一段約長2厘米的牙線。

Firstly, use a piece of dental floss which is approximately 20-25 cm long. Make a loop by tying both ends to make a loop. Use the thumbs and the forefingers of both hands to control the floss, leaving about 2 cm of floss in between.

2. 把牙線在牙縫中左右拉動,慢慢地讓它滑進牙縫內。

Use a sawing motion to slide the floss slowly into the interdental space.

3. 把牙線緊貼牙齒之間的鄰面以形成「C」字形,並拉到牙齦溝最深的地方,然後上下拉動。完成後再把牙線緊貼另一邊牙齒的鄰面重複上下拉動的動作。

Wrap around the adjacent side of one tooth to make a "C" shape and gently pull down to the deepest part of the gingival sulcus, and then slide it up and down against the tooth. Then wrap around the adjacent tooth and repeat the up and down motions.

4. 重複以上步驟直至把每個牙齒的鄰面都清潔完畢。

Repeat the above steps until all the adjacent tooth surfaces are cleaned.

注意事項 Remarks:


Please use a new part of the floss loop to clean a new tooth surface as the used floss was contaminated with bacteria.